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Winter Programs

Winter Programs 2024-2025 

Not a member but interested in participating? Please contact Club Administrator Jen Sowins.

Noko Strength Winter Program (for MRC members) 
All workouts will be led by experienced instructors and coaches at Noko Strength 5007 S 34th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55417. The program will run approximately 20 weeks, November 11, 2024, through March 30, 2025. There will be no class Thursday, November 24, Tuesday evening, December 24, Wednesday, December 25, Tuesday evening, December 31st, or Wednesday,  January 1. 

Join any 2 sessions Monday - Friday (2 sessions max per week)
        Monday 6:45-7:45pm- Conditioning and Strength with Katy D
Tuesday 7:30-8:30am- Row with Kristina C
        Tuesday 6:45-7:45- Row with Vicki L.
Wednesday 6:45 - 7:45pm - Conditioning and Strength with Rhiannon W
Thursday 5:30-6:30pm - Row with Annette V and Rhiannon W
        Friday 7:30-8:30am- Strength (weight training) with Dori J

MRC Winter Erg Workouts
The following weekly winter workouts will be available to all MRC members.  Each week a new week’s workout will be posted.  There will be three workouts per week.  Members of the Winter Programs will see the workouts in their Row sessions. Workout 1 (Tuesdays) Workout 2 (Thursdays) Workout 3 (Sundays: Men’s program).

You must be logged in as a member to the MRC website to view

Week 1 (11/11-11/17) - Week 1
Week 2 (11/18-11/24) - week 2
Week 3 (11/25-12/1) - week 3
Week 4 (12/2-12/8) - Week 4
Week 5 (12/9-12/15) week 5
Week 6 (12/16-12/22)-Week 6
Week 7 (12/23-12/29)-Week 7
Week 8 (12/30-1/5)-Week 8
Week 9 (1/6-1/12)-Week 9
Week 10 (1/13-1/19)-Week 10
Week 11 (1/20-1/26)-Week 11
Week 12 (1/27-2/2)-Week 12
Week 13 (2/3-2/9)-Week 13
Week 14 (2/10-2/16)-Week 14

MRC Erg Rental Program
MRC will rent club ergs to members in good standing to take home during the winter, approximately November - February. Members are selected via lottery. 


Physical Address (not mailing)
2968 West River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Mailing Address
PO Box 583102
Minneapolis, MN 55458
Club Administrator
Jen Sowins
(612) 469-7999
 link to
 On site phone for emergencies only:
 (612) 729-1541

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